UK Gambling Advertising Stats

Get the numbers behind betting & gaming industry ads in the UK

Advertising of gambling, both offline and online, is very topical in the UK due to concerns over links to problem gambling. We decided to understand more about the gambling ad business, putting data at the forefront of our investigation.

To build a clear picture of statistics and trends in the UK, our team researched dozens of different sources and compiled a broad array of data insights. We have presented the results below and will update regularly as fresh data sources become available. Sources are indicated with each data point and full references included at the end of the page.

1. Estimated gambling advertising spend – TV:

  • 2015 – £171,027,928
  • 2016 – £170,400,826
  • 2017 – £177,774,642
  • 2018 – £193,548,007

Source: Ipsos MORI on behalf of GambleAware – July 2019

2. Estimated gambling advertising spend – Outdoor:

  • 2015 – £3,809,586
  • 2016 – £5,655,545
  • 2017 – £7,233,278
  • 2018 – £5,957,479

Source: Ipsos MORI on behalf of GambleAware – July 2019

3. TV advertising on sport programming increased from £80m in 2014 to £145m in 2017.

Source: Regulus partners – Gambling Advertising And Marketing Spend In Great Britain, 2014-17

4. TV advertising on non-sport programming increased from £30m in 2014 to £45m in 2017.

Source: Regulus partners – Gambling Advertising And Marketing Spend In Great Britain, 2014-17

5. Online marketing spend increased from £376m in 2014 to £725m in 2017.

Source: Regulus partners – Gambling Advertising And Marketing Spend In Great Britain, 2014-17

6. Affiliate marketing spend increased from £274m in 2014 to £295m in 2017.

Source: Regulus partners – Gambling Advertising And Marketing Spend In Great Britain, 2014-17

7. Breakdown of exposure to gambling adverts: 

  • Television – 31%
  • Social Media – 24%
  • In a shop – 17%
  • Print – 10%
  • Website – 10%
  • Billboard – 5%
  • Radio – 1%
  • Somewhere else – 3%

Source: Ipsos MORI on behalf of GambleAware – July 2019

8. Around 80% of gambling advertising budgets is now spent online.

Source: Gambling Advertising in Sport, House of Commons – March 2020

Interested in more gambling stats? Take a look at our research data on unregulated online gambling in the UK and globally.

References & external links


The people behind this page's online gambling content experts helped write, edit and check this page:

Sam is a contributor at and has a passion for football and American football. He has an MSC in International Marketing & spent time abroad at Louisiana State University. He has also worked on our interview series for news, speaking to Robert Huth, Glen Johnson and Louis Saha among others. Sam enjoys following Leicester City, the LSU Tigers and the NFL in his spare time.